Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Inspiration & Motivation!

                 Everyone has their "down time" and I hear a lot of Actors/Musicians respond to the question "How's everything going?" with - "Eh, not too good things could be busier" or "I don't know just having a down month and analyzing everything" which happens to ALL of us at some point in our career or everyday life. Some also re-evaluating their situation and re-thinking their life decisions.  The worst 2 in my opinion - Thinking about how easy it would be to quit and get a "regular job", and having regrets about past decisions.  My 2 answers for this are 1) If you leave any room for second thoughts or an easy way out, you're setting yourself up for failure.  2) Have no regrets!  If you start regretting decisions you've made in the past and blaming yourself for your present situation, you're not looking forward.  Looking back can only do harm, besides.. it's already done with -Who gives a shit?!

I want to share some awesome video's that could really help change your views and your life for that matter.  First off I've got to give it to "The Secret".  A family friend gave me the book as a gift years ago and I read through it thinking "wow this is pretty cool shit".  After reading the book I looked up some Video's on YouTube and found the Full Version of the movie.  Believe it or not this changed my life.  The movie blows away the book.
It was around the time my Grandma (my best friend in the world) passed away.  I was doomed and just couldn't think of anything positive about anything for a while.  I started listening to the secret to fall asleep at night on my phone, and during the day when I felt down or discouraged.  Within a few weeks the stories and energy in these video's were imprinted in my mind and I started noticing jurassic changes in my daily life as I applied this way of thinking to everything I did.  Follow the link below to watch the Full Version of "The Secret" and let me know what you think of it.  I'd love to hear your stories & opinions.

The second one I'd like to share is my favorite motivational speaker "Eric Thomas".. 
Listen to his videos or Mp3's on Spotify/his website etc. when you feel unmotivated or down..
This guy is guaranteed to lift you up guys!  His stories and quotes are extremely motivating and stick in your head so that you can easily refer to them when needed.

*Best Quotes Ever = 2:34, 3:00

Eric Thomas Website

Hopefully these tools can help reassure you guys when you're not feeling like you are on the right path, or have hit a standstill in your life or career.  No need to be depressed, alone or unmotivated.  Don't let your own mind take control of you, take control of your own damn mind!

I'd love to get your take on these, let me know how it goes :)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

David Ellefson Performs w/ School of Rock Students + Punk band "Doll Skin" Tear up the stage!!

I don't usually do "reviews" but I couldn't let this one go.

(Full Video Below)

I had an awesome time last weekend w/ the Iconic & Incredible Musician David Ellefson from the band MEGADETH.  I also had the pleasure of watching his performance with his students from "School of Rock."  (info attached below for more info on how to enroll your kids) :)

For those of you who don't know, David Ellefson is the Bassist for the Metal band MEGADETH.  MEGADETH also happens to be my all time favorite Metal band, and was one of the first bands to get me into Heavy Metal.  A classmate in 5th grade showed me the first track on the self titled Album "So far.. So good. So what.." and I was INSTANTLY HOOKED within a minute into the first track. The exact song was then later played as the theme song at my Barmitzvah. My mom still complains about it today.

Back to the show- First off, I've never seen such a dedicated and caring Rockstar taking such pride in what he does and putting his students and fans first.  David's "kids" are extremely talented and you'd expect nothing less learning from such a well rounded musician.  It was one of many few times I got to see such young talent perform such intricate and solid live music.  

First up was the incredible Female Punk/Pop/Rock group DOLL SKIN.  These girls were mind blowing, with their SOLID stage presence, killer songs & untouchable positive energy.  From the first second these girls hit the stage I knew they were a powerful force and tight group of real close friends.  You could really feel the relationship between these sweet "Dolls", with their presence and sweet Music.  Not to mention.. the age range in the band is from 15-18!!  Mark my words guys.. these girls are leaving their mark in the Music world and will be a HUGE success.  Go check out their tunes, and show them some love.  Thank you for the amazing show, I'm honored.  I have to say, the best quality DOLL SKIN possesses is their love for music & positive attitude.  They were so thankful and loving after the show, taking time with each one of their fans and signing autographs with pride.  I definitely look forward to seeing these awesome Doll's tear up the stage again in the near future.  Keep an eye out for this powerful force DOLL SKIN.

What really topped off the night was watching Dave jump on stage with his students for a killer set of "Symphony of Destruction" by MEGADETH.  My mouth dropped when I saw them knock this iconic song out like it was no big deal.  Seeing Dave up there with his crew was priceless. I literally have no words for the set.. You'll just have to see the video for yourself. (sorry for the mono sound)

We ended the night with Dinner @Canters Deli :) Awesome convo's and silly fun times- Dave had his share of awesome stories to share along with some interesting facts about the history of MEGADETH and METALLICA.  Two of the biggest Metal bands to ever exist.

Killer Music, awesome food & new friends -That's what it's all about.




Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New Website Launched! Ton's of updates..

New Website Launched guys www.AllenBenatar.com -Go check out all the updates and sign up for my mailing list for instant up to date craziness around the globe as it happens.  Special thanks to James Nestor from Nigeria for sending in your fan shots, they're posted on the "connect" section of my site!

New Streaming Music coming soon, and a ton more video from #ABReality on the waay

Sign up at the link below:


Photo credit: Elmer Escobar www.elmerescobar.com

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Awesome visit back to Miami -------> Killer trip back to LA.

There's nothing like visiting back home (or a vacation spot of your choice) to get away from all the chaos in LA for a week or two.  I call this my "RESET".  It's like rebooting your computer or cleaning the cache in your web browser.  Or even better - Emptying the recycle bin!!

My trip back to Miami (where I lived for 4yrs before moving to LA) was amazing as usual.  It was great seeing family and some of my best friends, staring at palm trees and watching the insane sunsets.  ahh... nothing like the ol' dirty south.

The only thing that sucked, was using the Delta credit I have been avoiding using.  Can I say "avoiding using"?  Anway.. I usually only fly #JETBLUE which Im proud to say is one of the best airlines I have ever flown in the US.  Clean, Electrical Outlets, Free Wifi, awesome staff & real food!
Delta on the other hand.. sucks shit.  Not to mention my delays coming back, layover in Atlanta and missing my last flight (which was kind of my fault), but Delta didn't announce their "all passengers now boarding" alert.  Not loud enough.

I was able to get a lot of footage of the trip which will be featured on a future episode of #ABREALITY


#194 in line to take off

I really did capture this guy having lunch

Balcony #Sunset = Priceless.

Mountains or Chocolate?  Maybe just starving, because #Delta gives you a pack of peanuts the size of a condom package as food.

My boat.  Ok mines a Lego.  Same shit.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A few pix released from my Photoshoot for "GMC"

Here are a couple of pictures from my Phooshoot for #GMC Trucks!  I figured it would be a perfect time to release these .. on Valentines Day :)

The theme was very "Sad" & "Depressed".. A lot of Crying.  :(
It was exciting & pretty interesting to get into character for this one.  There were real tears involved & a ton of emotions released.  We shot down over at the beautiful Santa Monica Pier.  

The link will soon be available to view on GMC's Website.  It's supposed to resemble men who haven't upgraded or bought a GMC Truck.. "yet".

Well here they are.. enjoy the sadness - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! <3

Photo Credit: (SNH) Sabrina Noel Hill Photography

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Filming for the Feature Film "Killing Joan"

Amazing time Wednesday filming for the Feature Film "Killing Joan"Killing Joan is an Action/Suspense/Thriller featuring a ton of Hollywood's most talented Actors. Filming for todays scene(s) started in W.Hollywood and ended in Downtown, LA.  My scene gets a bit steamy!! :) (Just a heads up) 

After leaving set I got lost as usual, looking for a building that I left some film equipment in a week earlier while doing a photoshoot on the roof/fire escape.  I was lucky enough to NOT find my equipment :( and to get lost in LA's infamous #SKIDROW neighbor"hood".  What an interesting time that was!!

tongue emoticon

Big Thanks to the entire cast and crew for a kick ass time!  Here are a couple of shots from set.  
w/ Jamie Bernadette and 3 others at Downtown Los Angeles California USA.
#KILLINGJOAN (Left to Right) Olivia Bellafontaine, Allen Benatar, Producer: Todd Bartoo & Jamie Bernadette

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dennis Woodruff Introduces AB REALITY

Hollywood's one and only Dennis Woodruff introduces AB REALITY. Thanks for the Introduction Dennis! Follow #DennisWoodruff on Twitter for news on his upcoming movies.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Photoshoot w/ the Infamous Tim Courtney.


               Tim got in touch with me a few months ago about doing a shoot together. Although he didn't plan on shooting anymore "models" for this particular project.. he wanted to get this last shoot in with me.  Of course I was honored after seeing his work (and EXTENSIVE Clientele'), and gladly accepted.
               We shot in the Posh Mondrian Hotel off of Sunset Blvd, Hollywood in a Deluxe Studio suite.   As soon as I met Tim and his kick ass Makeup Artist Haylee, I knew this was going to be an amazing shoot.  Not only was Tim welcoming and extremely professional, but he has the most interesting and well thought out idea's.. always asking my opinion before making final decisions.  Haylee was quick and on point, sharing her opinion with Tim & I as well, which you hardly ever see.  We were a collaborative team on this project.  
               Tim has an incredible way of working.  He has a vision, and makes it happen.  Tim also has a totally different way of doing each scene, shooting each idea with a specific song/artist playing in the background.  This way of shooting was fairly new for me, and totally changed the vibe (set the mood) which was really helpful!  It made for a very smooth transition when I was "changing character" for each scene.
               The shoot went into the evening and ended with a few scenes including a few of my drum pieces.  I can't wait to see how it all comes out, and definitely can't wait to work with Tim again in the very near future.  I highly recommend Tim as a Pro Photographer, plus he's an awesome dude to know and totally REAL (which is rare to find in this industry)!  Thank you Tim & Haylee, you rock!

Look out for a 1-on-1 interview session w/ Tim Courtney and I after the shoot on AB Reality Series
Check out Tim Courtney's website, his Clientele below:

Celebrity Clientele       Corporate/Business Clientele
Dr. Maya Angelou              Edelman LA.Chicago.NYC
Sir Ian McKellen                 Four Seasons Hotel
Shirley Mac Laine               USA Today
Queen Latifah                   GQ Magazine
Fran Drescher                   Forbes Traveler
Bea Arthur                        Vanity Fair
Chad Allen                        Vogue
Shirley Jones                      Los Angelenos
Rupert Everrett                  Dance & Fitness
Valerie Harper                  Boutique Design
Kathy Griffin                     Vegas News
Tom Ford                         Design & Architecture
David Cassidy                   Sipco Publications
Phyllis Diller                      A&U
James (Badge) Dale           Miller Hospital
Tate Donovan                   Big Bang Products
Nell Carter                        Applebaum House
Janet Jackson                    O-Bar Restaurant
98 degrees                      Citizen Smith Restaurant
Anthony Hopkins               Blend Restaurant
Edwin Mc Caine                The Rio, Las Vegas
Jeff Probst                        City of San Francisco
Sheryl Lee RalpH               Maggie Berry Fashions
Chris Showerman              Flying Pescado Pictures
Marla Gibbs                      Women in Film
Galen Gering                    Spike.com
Eva Tomargo Lemus          Italian Consulant, Los Angeles
Journee Smollett                New Times Magazine
Bryce Johnson                   GO Soft Wear
Beth Broderick                  Tiki Shark-Body Glove, Inc.
Jimmy                               Lyons Johnston’s & Ass.
Jennifer Benson                 RED Campaign
David Deluise                   Grove Press
Carol Channing                 Ballentine Publishing
Erin Murphy                      Barry's Boot Camp
Margret Cho                     Dance LA
CCH Pounder                    Air Alpha, Inc
Mother Love                      First Movies
Eric Stoltz                         Thomas Schoos Design
Heather Tom                    JMA
Kathy Najimy                    CBS
Nancy Wilson                    ABC
Heather Tom                    OM4 Men's Skin Care
Warren Beatty                   MyDamnChannel.com
Wilmer Valderrama            Shell Oil
Greg Louganis                   Fidelity Investments
Anthony Hopkins               Vapour Organic Beauty
Kevin Zeggers                   HBO

    Some selfie shot's during the shoot!

          Thanks to the awesome Hotel Staff for your Hospitality