Wednesday, February 18, 2015

AB "REALITY" (Documentary) Episode 1 HD

AB "REALITY" Episode #1 HD - Interview w/ Monte Pittman (Madonna / Prong).

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A few pix released from my Photoshoot for "GMC"

Here are a couple of pictures from my Phooshoot for #GMC Trucks!  I figured it would be a perfect time to release these .. on Valentines Day :)

The theme was very "Sad" & "Depressed".. A lot of Crying.  :(
It was exciting & pretty interesting to get into character for this one.  There were real tears involved & a ton of emotions released.  We shot down over at the beautiful Santa Monica Pier.  

The link will soon be available to view on GMC's Website.  It's supposed to resemble men who haven't upgraded or bought a GMC Truck.. "yet".

Well here they are.. enjoy the sadness - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! <3

Photo Credit: (SNH) Sabrina Noel Hill Photography

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Filming for the Feature Film "Killing Joan"

Amazing time Wednesday filming for the Feature Film "Killing Joan"Killing Joan is an Action/Suspense/Thriller featuring a ton of Hollywood's most talented Actors. Filming for todays scene(s) started in W.Hollywood and ended in Downtown, LA.  My scene gets a bit steamy!! :) (Just a heads up) 

After leaving set I got lost as usual, looking for a building that I left some film equipment in a week earlier while doing a photoshoot on the roof/fire escape.  I was lucky enough to NOT find my equipment :( and to get lost in LA's infamous #SKIDROW neighbor"hood".  What an interesting time that was!!

tongue emoticon

Big Thanks to the entire cast and crew for a kick ass time!  Here are a couple of shots from set.  
w/ Jamie Bernadette and 3 others at Downtown Los Angeles California USA.
#KILLINGJOAN (Left to Right) Olivia Bellafontaine, Allen Benatar, Producer: Todd Bartoo & Jamie Bernadette